Fedor Emelianenko Career in 10 Minutes - All Fights HL Video Comments for Fedor Emelianenko Career in 10 Minutes - All Fights HL Video at http://www.kfight.net , comment 1 to 38 out of 20 comments http://www.kfight.net Sat, 02 Jan 2010 20:38:13 +0100 FeedCreator 1.7.2 ... http://www.kfight.net/Other/Fedor-Emelianenko-Career-in-10-Minutes-All-Fights-HL-Video#comment-4870 BTW, Fedor has already defeated 5 UFC champions (Arlovski, Nogeuira, Sylvia, Randleman, Coleman), and if the promotions could find an agreement, he would beat at least 5 more. - MMAfighter009 Tue, 13 Oct 2009 06:00:01 +0100 ... http://www.kfight.net/Other/Fedor-Emelianenko-Career-in-10-Minutes-All-Fights-HL-Video#comment-4869 Scared of the UFC fighters? Like who? Nogeuira? CroCop? Herring? He's already beaten them. Lesnar, Carwin, Valasquez? One dimensional fighters who just started in MMA. Maybe in a few years they will be better, but right now, Fedor would destroy them. Couture? Not a chance in hell he could beat Fedor. Go watch TUF and pretend the UFC has the best HWs in the world. FEDOR is #1, just face it. - MMAfighter009 Tue, 13 Oct 2009 05:54:43 +0100 ... http://www.kfight.net/Other/Fedor-Emelianenko-Career-in-10-Minutes-All-Fights-HL-Video#comment-4837 Bruno teste does not exist in jiu-jitsu dude. besides I've done kick boxing for a few years now. Did a little jiu-jitsu, but haved trained with other black belts and held my own. - Aries Master of War Fri, 09 Oct 2009 17:23:11 +0100 ... http://www.kfight.net/Other/Fedor-Emelianenko-Career-in-10-Minutes-All-Fights-HL-Video#comment-4833 Do you mean bruno tostes? Black belt under Renzo Gracie? if so You're in my area, and not to be disrespectful, I'd like to challenge you to a nice mma "sparring" match. Just to show you I know what I'm talking about. How bout it? - Aries Master of War Fri, 09 Oct 2009 16:26:07 +0100 lol http://www.kfight.net/Other/Fedor-Emelianenko-Career-in-10-Minutes-All-Fights-HL-Video#comment-4831 internet thug? man really? u know what an internet thug is? ill tell u one thing...im not a thug...especially not an internet thug. haha. this is the most useless conversation i've ever had. i hold a black belt under bruno teste, trained kyokushin under master hatsuo royama. and trained tkd under master tae byun kim. im not tellin u all this to make u scared of me or something...im tellin u this to let u know i do know what im talking about...im done over here...you do and believe whatever u like. - ... Thu, 08 Oct 2009 20:46:22 +0100 ... http://www.kfight.net/Other/Fedor-Emelianenko-Career-in-10-Minutes-All-Fights-HL-Video#comment-4824 Your an internet thug. Who you hold a black belt in jiu-jitsu under. Why does your opinion matter anyway? I don't just watch I train as well. I did karate as a kid as well but nothing to serious because my parents could afford it. But I understand what your saying, your just assuming too much. How do you know if I'm a couch potatoe or maybe a fighter? click on the blogs to your right. I wrote them. I've been training MMA for a long time. Please Use your head before talking. It's not that You don't know what your talking about, it's You're thinking that what you are saying is accual fact. Fedor is a mixed martial arts fighter, with a martial arts back round. To me he's a martial artist. like I said before get over your self. - Aries Master of War Thu, 08 Oct 2009 10:53:25 +0100 ... http://www.kfight.net/Other/Fedor-Emelianenko-Career-in-10-Minutes-All-Fights-HL-Video#comment-4822 martial arts really means art of fighting or fighting arts if u want it exactly...and ur so stupid ur starting to twist my words in ur head...i said go do a bit of a project on kung fu...because kung fu is actually the oldest and most studied martial arts out there...so if u know the history of martial arts u might understand...but ur ass too fucking lazy....like another couch potato. right? really dont argue about things u dont know...u guys prob just watch ufc fights and wtr but u dont have the balls to go train urself...u think im going to say ok ur right? ive studied martial arts for a huge chunk of my life...u think im gonna believe u or what i studied? stop being fuckin morons. thats whats wrong with most of the people in america. such fuckin ignorant douches...think they know everything from watching tv. - ... Thu, 08 Oct 2009 00:55:19 +0100 ... http://www.kfight.net/Other/Fedor-Emelianenko-Career-in-10-Minutes-All-Fights-HL-Video#comment-4821 im not talking about the techniques in physical combat...and martial arts is not a way of life u moron...u can use the concepts of martial arts in ur everyday life...but its not a way of life itself. dude trust me ive practiced martial arts since i was a lil kid...i have 3 black belts...3rd degree black in tkd...black in karate...and black in jiu jitsu. if u dont know what i mean by degree...its just a different way to say dan. studied martial arts in brazil/korea/usa/china/ and japan. i was born in sao paolo brazil and thats where i practiced and learned jui jitsu. moved to usa here i got into boxing but didnt get far in that...LOL...bit of painful memories there...haha...anyways so after that i got into tkd...got my 1st degree black in the usa...went to korea for a tournament and ended up stayin there for about 2 years...where i got my 3rd degree...went to japan after that for another 2 years...and got a black 1st degree in kyokushin karate. went to china to study kung fu...didnt do alot of training there mostly studying of the art. been trainin almost my entire life and i still dont concider myself a true martial artist. why do u think i think this way...its because im not there yet...not even close...i learned pretty much just the basics over all those years...and i know i have so much more to learn...ive done shows for people and went in a few tournaments...and i still know my senseis can wooop my ass anyday. my karate master told me this every single day..."use karate not to just train but use it as a guide for your life". so i know what ur talkin about as a way of life...but its not the martial art itself thats a way of life...its the use of the concepts that u use in a way of life. if i ever used karate to just beat somebody up and he found that shit out...im a dead man walking. HAHA...and trust me on this...kyokushin karate is known for its full contact sparring...and if u fucked up he would fuck u up...either himself of he would match u up with the best in the dojo...which are mostly all 3rd degree and above...if he thought u were the best he would just fuck u up himself...and if he did...u really cant do shit. u wont be gettin up for a while...hes like the nicest person u can ever meet...but u get on his bad side and ur fucked. ive seen him break baseball bats without somebody holdin the bat. fucking strange but possible...wouldnt believe it if i didnt see it myself. now wouldnt u agree that there is awesome art in that? i myself dont think i will ever be able to do that...you cant really be thought the art...the art u kinda find it urself. anyways...ur statin something u probably heard...but what u heard was a bit incorrectly said. dont state things u dont know urself...learn it urself than state it. that way u dont sound stupid. and thats what the other guy was doing too. u guys state things u dont know urself...u guys trying to say shit u heard on tv and stuff. and than u guys dont even say it right...now whos fucking ignorant? - ... Thu, 08 Oct 2009 00:40:24 +0100 ... http://www.kfight.net/Other/Fedor-Emelianenko-Career-in-10-Minutes-All-Fights-HL-Video#comment-4815 Damn dude. Your fucking ignorant. You went a rant calling some one names for his/her opinion. If anything you don't understand what a martial artist is. By they way martial art is a way of life not techniques in physical combat. get over your self. Talking about Kung Fu, man we're talking about MMA, all aspects of martial arts combined. Talking with your ass like you don't need your mouth. - Aries Master of War Wed, 07 Oct 2009 20:47:43 +0100 ... http://www.kfight.net/Other/Fedor-Emelianenko-Career-in-10-Minutes-All-Fights-HL-Video#comment-4814 fuck this im done here...too much damm talkin...just do this for me...go do a lil learning project on kung fu...see y its such a unique martial art...they have over 1000 aspects in style of kung fu. try to find how the style came to be...dont need to find the reason y its called what its called...but how the maker of the style came up with such aspects. the easiest wsy to understand what a true martial artist is...u need to know the history behind it and it might just give u the ability to think outside the box in this case. - ... Wed, 07 Oct 2009 19:20:10 +0100 ... http://www.kfight.net/Other/Fedor-Emelianenko-Career-in-10-Minutes-All-Fights-HL-Video#comment-4809 There's different styles of fighting. The Martial art is what they pracrice. Karo Parisyan has a brawling boxing judo throwing style, George St. Pierre has a clean cut straight foward style. Anderson has a accruate precise style of fighting. Fedor has an acurrate technical powerful style. But all have a martial arts back round and all good mixed martial artist. - Aries Master of War Wed, 07 Oct 2009 15:34:15 +0100 ... http://www.kfight.net/Other/Fedor-Emelianenko-Career-in-10-Minutes-All-Fights-HL-Video#comment-4807 They won't renew his contract because he said when he's 35 he'll retire, since there is only one fight left, he'll fight then retire from MMA completly. I heard the Roy jones fight is in the works, so who knows. Fedor I think should retire soon. If he loses to Bret Rogers (which I'm kind of hoping for), He should reconsider mma - Aries Master of War Wed, 07 Oct 2009 09:39:21 +0100 ... http://www.kfight.net/Other/Fedor-Emelianenko-Career-in-10-Minutes-All-Fights-HL-Video#comment-4806 Dude you're killing me. Here I am trying to be neutral and you say a person practicing martial arts is not an artist, it's when you use the art. They all use the art in their fighting career. Karo uses his Judo. Fedor uses his Sambo. Paulo Fihlo uses Jiu-jitsu. They all use their martial arts back round. Like Anderson. Using his Muay Thai and Jiu-jitsu. I think your saying Fedor is not a martial artist because his stand up and ground game looks and is used completly different compared to Anderson Silva. Rich Franklin's MMA game looks completly different from Silva. Anderson and Fedor Make some people look horrible. Fedor made Minotauro Nogueira look horrible. Anderson made every opponent in the UFC look horrible. That's what he does. So I agree to disagree with you. Yes Fedor is a martial artist, and no he's not the best in the world. Oh and the Vitor vs Anderson fight might be a little boring. I know they both like to stand up, but Vitor has never been to aggressive in his career. it's just when he hits you once, by the the time he moves back you've already been hit 30-50 times. Watch the Marvin Eastman fight. Hell watch the Wanderlei fight. He's paitient, then explodes. - Aries Master of War Wed, 07 Oct 2009 09:34:30 +0100 karo parysain? http://www.kfight.net/Other/Fedor-Emelianenko-Career-in-10-Minutes-All-Fights-HL-Video#comment-4804 LOL...karo paryisain [i think thats how u spell his name]? karo is kind of a joke...not saying he sucks but...ive seen alot of his fights...yea he knows how to throw people around...but still not concidered a martial artist...most fighters in the ufc are not artists...they are fighters...its kinda like...when u see a most ufc fights...u see a fight that can be seen anywhere...i seen alot of fights in my life...and ive seen people in real fights bust an armlock/throws/ kimuras/ triangles...seen all sort of things in an actual street fight...but a martial artist goes beyond that...things u cant see in a real street fight...its like trying to copy the monalisa...it cant really be done...i know this and even alot of ufc fighters know this too...if u ask in person to many of them...they concider themselves as fighters not martial artist...rich franklin himself said so also...he conciders himself as a fighter...not a martial artist...martial arts is what? the art in fighting no? and a martial artist is somebody who knows how to use that art and apply it as art...not somebody who practices martial art...if it was like that...a 5 year old kid at a karate dojo...would u call him a martial artist cuhz he practices karate? that makes no sense at all...a martial artist is not somebody who just practices it...these guys are called martial "artists" because they know and use the art...not the style. martial arts has many different styles but most people learn the martial art to use the style not the art in it...and thats what makes martial artist so different from fighters...now sambo is a style of martial arts...not an art itself...now if u can grab the art in it and apply it...thats a martial artist...and actually the art in martial arts is the most dangerous thing u can learn to use not the style...the style is the easy part...and thats what most people learn. the actually learn the art...its like devoting ur life to learn every expect of the subject to reach its max potential. - ... Wed, 07 Oct 2009 01:50:19 +0100 mmmmmm http://www.kfight.net/Other/Fedor-Emelianenko-Career-in-10-Minutes-All-Fights-HL-Video#comment-4793 even if silvas contract is over...i think they prop renew one...and i highly doubt that he would move over to strikeforce...hes the middleweight champ...and a top contender in light heavy...cant say he would be a champ in both division cuhz he would never ever fight machida cuhz they are so called "brothers" and dont want to fight each other...kinda stupid to me but wtr...and fedors throws are good but still not art...its cool to see him throwin these guys with ease but there is nothing special on the throws...throwing people around is not much of an art unless u gonna bust some insane shit with it...its something u know when u see it...and the words that probably going to come out of ur mouth are...."wow i dont know wtf he just did there....but that was fucking beutiful!" for example...silva vs tony friklund...hes just so unique as a fighter...first and only time i see a ko like that. - ... Tue, 06 Oct 2009 17:51:11 +0100 ... http://www.kfight.net/Other/Fedor-Emelianenko-Career-in-10-Minutes-All-Fights-HL-Video#comment-4786 Ok to the guy who said there's no "art" in what Fedor does, and that he's "just a brawler"...give your head a shake Bro :) You're saying these things because Fedor loops his punches, and because they come from unconventional angles so you they can APPEAR sloppy. The problem with saying he's a brawler is that you can't justify his thrown to landed ratio, you can't explain his incredible accuray and timing, and you can't explain his record...unless your explination is that "he's just very very lucky"...which is ridiculous. As far as being "an art form"...who cares. I'm an MMA coach in Toronto and a number of my guys have different styles. There isn't a right and wrong way to fight, and if your way is 'wrong', I'm sure it will be reflected in your record. That's one of the things I LOVE about MMA. No belts, no certificates, just facts: Your wins vs your losses. You can'r argue with Fedor's record because like him or dislike him, it's incredible. All those "artists" that you think so highly of, were beaten down by 'The Last Emperor'...that's a fact :) - Danny-Boy Tue, 06 Oct 2009 15:26:03 +0100 ... http://www.kfight.net/Other/Fedor-Emelianenko-Career-in-10-Minutes-All-Fights-HL-Video#comment-4783 Anderson's last fight will be Vitor Belfort, it's his last fight on the contract's organazation, so who knows if strikeforce doesn't scoop him up and put a fight together between Anderson and Fedor. But what classifies you to be a martial artist? I understand what you are saying about how he brawls and what not, but his art is in his sambo. it's beautiful how he throws his opponents with ease, like Karo Paryisain's judo. He throws his punches wild and brawls. is he a martial artist? - Aries Master Of War Tue, 06 Oct 2009 09:30:02 +0100 HAHAHAHA http://www.kfight.net/Other/Fedor-Emelianenko-Career-in-10-Minutes-All-Fights-HL-Video#comment-4782 HOLY FUCKING SHIT...it just caught my attention...doesnt fedor look like an elf on the picture? LOL - ... Tue, 06 Oct 2009 08:36:52 +0100 ps #3 http://www.kfight.net/Other/Fedor-Emelianenko-Career-in-10-Minutes-All-Fights-HL-Video#comment-4781 fedor vs silva....prob never happen...fedor would never take the fight...well i shouldnt say never...but i highly doubt it would ever happen...i know forsure silva is willing to go if fedor agreed but the only thing is there wont be any of it cuhz that would mean 1 or the other has to move over to the other organization for the fight to even be concidered...and by the looks of it...none of it is gonna happen...but i can mayb see an event of some sort...damm that actually would be fucking awesome! can u image an event like UFC vs STRIKEFORCE! or a tourny of all organizations...i would pay good fucking money to go see an event like that! - ... Tue, 06 Oct 2009 08:32:23 +0100 P.S #2 http://www.kfight.net/Other/Fedor-Emelianenko-Career-in-10-Minutes-All-Fights-HL-Video#comment-4779 he likes to talk and argue about things he doesnt even know...he says hes a musician...lol...says he played the piano since he was 4 and shit...and he compares britney with mozart...i have couple friends that are have music majors and in no way in hell would they ever even think about comparing mozart to britney spears...its literally like comparing bruce lee to pete sell or like comparing the monalisa to a kindergarderers finger painting...its almost disrespectful...which tells me either he doesnt know wtf hes talkin about or he really doesnt understand what art is. and plus just cuhz u can play the piano that doesnt mean ur a musician...it means ur a pianist...unless u makin ur own music...which i highly doubt since he cant even understand a few simple words...hes gonna read all this and not understand a bit of what i said...if i say the bird ate the worm...in his head probably go something like....the plane ate a snake! - ... Tue, 06 Oct 2009 06:50:15 +0100